Molte - Business Partner Applications

:arrow_backward: Return to the Company Guidebook.

:memo: At Molte, our partnerships with other companies inspire us to continually strive for more. Interested in building a business collaboration with us? Before we can celebrate a successful partnership, please ensure you meet the following requirements.

If you encounter any challenges while completing your application, feel free to contact our Public Relations Department for assistance.

  • Must have 80 - 100 Discord Members.
  • Must have 100 non-botted group members.
  • Must have a positive standing relation within the industry.
  • Cannot sell ranks.
  • Group must have an active and professional communications server.
  • Must be willing to announce our events on your server.
  • Must keep in contact with our Public Relations Department.

:closed_book: Business Affiliation Application β†’

Please fill out and sign the application in a Google Document and submit it to a member of the Public Relations Department. Assessments of affiliations may take anywhere between 4 - 48 hours.

  1. What is your group name and how many members do you have?
  2. Provide any necessary links to your business (group, socials, server).
  3. What are your key objectives to this business partnership?
  4. How will you promote Molte alongside yourselves in our partnership?
  5. Name 2 individuals that will join the Molte group/server as representatives.
  6. What are you looking to gain with an affiliation with Molte?
  7. Does your group promote values of inclusivity, diversity and cooperation? Explain.

:handshake: Perks of an Affiliation with Molte β†’

There are numerous perks to being affiliated with a prestigious community like Molte. For one, you get access to the Partner Plaza, a location in our main game that commemorates and celebrates our partnerships! Here, you get free publicity which is visited by our guests in-game.

:robux_light: Rent a Food-Truck Subscription!

Interested in renting our food truck to showcase your brand in our game? Our affiliates and business partners enjoy exclusive rights to feature their brands in our main game. By becoming a Molte affiliate, you can purchase a monthly or weekly subscription to bring your brand into our food truck!

:fork_and_knife: Thank you for reading the Business Partner Application at Molte. We hope that it provides valuable insight for what we’re looking for in potential partners. Please ensure that answers to your questions are truthful, without the usage of AI chat bots. Failure to comply will result in no affiliation.

Best Regards, Molte’s Public Relations Department.
:date: Last Updated on 12/29/2024 (MM/DD/YY).

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