Information below outlines attire, behavioral guidelines and regulations that our management and employment departments must adhere to at all times.
Molte's Employee Rules
Molte defines an employee as any member(s) that obtains an active working role defined as any rank spanning from the Trainee to Executive Vice President position.
1A. Utilize grammar while in-game at the bistro.
1B. Grammar is not required in the #chat Discord Channel.
1C. Grammar is required in the #employees Discord Channel.
1D. Grammar is required in the #management Discord Channel.2. Do not go AFK unless it is in the designated AFK Area in the Kitchen.
3. Uphold and follow all Community Rules.
4. Have fun and support your fellow employees!
5. All obtained Supply Crates from the Ferry must be deposited within a Sandwich Station and only a Sandwich Station; you’re not allowed to hold onto them.
6. Employees are to refrain from overloading the Order Board in the Kitchen with spam orders. Ensure that the board is cleared of your order once the customer is served.
Molte's Warning System
Molte’s warning system is to be used upon member(s) that are fracturing rules.
WARNING 1 ⟶ WARNING 2 ⟶ SUSPENSION ⟶ TERMINATIONIf you were terminated from a middle or senior management position, you will not be able to re-apply or be re-hired for these positions. You will only be eligible to achieve the role of Head Bistro Employee again. If your fracture is severe, you may be terminated without suspension/warning.
Molte's Employee Attire Requirements
Management are instructed to wear attire that is work related (Management Employee Uniform) while on shift at Molte games. If staff need funding for the management outfit, Molte will provide the funds. While off duty, staff are expected to maintain an appropriate work attire.
- Management Members: Management Uniform while on shift.
⟶ Wearing this uniform and not being management is not permitted.- Employees: Molte Worker Uniform while on shift.
- All Employees: Appropriate Clothing while off shift.
- Any clothing that is Violating ROBLOX’s Terms of Service.
Information on ROBLOX’s Terms of Service can be found here.
Molte's Bistro Employee Guidelines
As a Bistro Employee, you are expected to:
1. Greet customers.
2. Utilize grammar.
3. Be friendly to all players.You must be able to perform the following tasks in-game:
Greet customers.
Prepare menu items to specifications.
Retrieve crates and restock stations.
- Hello! Welcome to Molte, my name is Moltian, how can I help you today?
- Greetings, welcome to Molte. My name is Moltian, what can I get started for you today?
The greeting(s) above are just some examples. We recommend saving your greeting and copying it so that you can simply paste it instead of having to type it out each time.
Molte Management Guidelines
As a member of the Management department, Molte expects you to uphold all rules and follow them, as they still apply to you. You are expected to assist other employees, maintain a positive work environment for all players in the server and ensure the server runs smoothly.
1. Uphold all community rules and follow them.
2. Do not express anger if another member is chosen over you for a promotion.
3. Utilize grammar on-shift and in Management Discord Channels.
4. Act as a role model for other employees.
5. Never deny aid to any employee that is asking.
6. Never ignore direct messages from any management rank.MANAGEMENT AT MOLTE HUB:
Guidelines to follow while at a Molte Hub Training session.
1. Trainees must utilize good grammar. If the Trainee is not acknowledging your grammatical corrections after 3 reminders, fail them. Trainees that fail to utilize grammar at the training session after warning or at the bistro are to be demoted back to Customer.
2. When evaluating trainee’s grammar, please do not be extremely strict. If it’s a simple mistake, do not demote them, but teach them so they don’t make the same mistake.
3. Do not fail a good Trainee. Likewise, do not pass a bad Trainee. Remember, we want to ensure that they will positively contribute to bistro activities!
4. If you do not know how to lead a group of trainees, contact the host or co-host and pass the role to someone else. You must shadow someone before you can lead a group.
5. Do not lie about shadowing a higher ranked staff employee; shadowing is logged with the initial session log, and lying will result in suspension or termination.
6. If you do not feel comfortable, neither will your Trainees. Have fun with your trainees, and if they make a simple mistake, teach them instead of kicking them.
Molte's Admin Abuse Guidelines
The following commands, although not able to be performed by everyone, are restricted. This means that if you are caught using them, you will be punished accordingly.
- Before you execute ANY command, ask yourself these questions:
Is it an abusive command?
Will I cause unnecessary lag with this command?
Does this command violate Community Guidelines?
Do not teleport any members of Senior Management around, PM them instead.
Disruptive Customers may start their username with “all”. Make sure to read the customer’s names before kicking or banning, so that a server-wide kick/ban does not occur.
- :kick all
- :ban all
- :jumppower
- :speed
- :gear me
- :ff all
- :refresh all (Unless Necessary)
- :respawn all (Unless Necessary)
- :pm all (Unless Necessary)
- :bring all
Best Wishes,
Molte Senior Management
Last Updated - 11/01/2022