Monetization Advice Needed - CTR Very Low

I recently released a game, Frenzy Sprint. It’s a round-based game where you get teleported to randomly selected mini-obbies and get gold for winning.

On Wednesday, I began sponsoring the game. I experimented around with which platforms to use, etc., so I spent about 25-50 robux on each sponsor just to get a feel about how the CTR is and so on. The issue I have is that my CTR is very low - here are the rates for each device:
-Phone: 0.04%
-Tablet: 0.06%
-Computer: 0.2%

My dilemma is: Should I start spending more robux and hope more players come, or should I do something differently? I attached my game icon down below for feedback.

Note: I also started using ads today, depending on how it goes I might post about that too.

To be more specific, the feedback I want is:

  • What should I do about the CTR if you think it’s too low to be efficient?
  • If the icon design is the issue, could I please have feedback on that - what can I do to make it look better?

Any and all help is appreciated. :relieved:


Hello, I have some previous experience with these kinds of things so here’s my answer for you:
If you are confident about your game, do it, spent more robux on advertising and it may come back to you or even double itself
Sometimes, the more players see your ads, the more they get attracted to clicking them.

Most of the times, the CTR is very very low, but I wouldn’t depend only on sponsors but on skyscrapers and other kinds of ads aswell.

Also, 25/50 robux won’t do you any good if you want players, normally, when I play ads, I go for 10k - 25k each run.

I hope my answer helped you a bit deciding, have a good day!


Sponsoring has always given you lower CTR rates. The CTR rates on computer however seem to higher than mobile and phone. This is due to the fact that when your game is sponsored, it takes a slot on the games page with many other games around. Players may skip or overlook your game since there are so many to choose from. Also, sponsoring takes quite a bit of robux to get any players. To get a good amount of players, sponsoring around 100k can do a solid job. But as @Ancientcub said, if you are confident in your game, I would spend more robux so you can gain more players. 20-25 is way to low for it to actually give any affect.


My current budget is around R$8,000. I’m technically not a newbie developer (I’ve used Studio for a while now) but this is my first real game. Should I spend it all in one day, or should I spread it out (e.g. 800 for 10 days)? I feel like all of it in one day would be a little too risky, but I want your input. Thanks!

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That’s for you to decide, if you put it in all in one day, and at the right time, you will gain probably more impressions and clicks rather if you were to spread it out. But then you’d want to hope the game succeeds. Spreading it out can help determine if you game is what players are looking for and you can always stop sponsoring if you don’t think it is being useful to you.


I feel like the icon could use more improvements like, removing the word ‘Beta’ and the box with it could make it much more better because I feel like it’s in the way of what you are trying to describe to new players what the game is about. The title of the game in the icon is fine as many games have it at the top or bottom, but maybe you could also center the character running so it pops out more that your game’s objective is about players sprinting through objects. This is just my opinion, but I hope the best! :+1:


Hey! I know this is an old post, but I would recommend you to use this. This tool shows you what platform to advertise and when the peak etcetera is. I really hope your game gets players, because its really fun! :smiley:

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Since everyone already left feedback on strategies, Im going to focus on the logo. First of all, it is better to get a render done instead of simply taking a screenshot in studio. It would be much more eye catching and would appeal more to the younger audience. Second of all, I really cannot tell what the game is about? Is it an obby game? A parkour game? A speedrun game? A normal generic obby or is it different? Also, I recommend you improve the text that says Frenzy Sprint. Right now it is just some generic font face with a little of bit of shadow on it. Make it stand out! Make it look well, good! Also, I know I am a bit harsh, and I am sorry for that so do not take this as discouragement or you suck! go do something else with your life, I think that with a lot more effort you could, well, be a lot more successful.

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Hello! This was a rather outdated post and I’ve since updated the logo. I just wanted to let you know.

Do you have any more opinions on the current one? I noted your previous suggestions, but please let me know if you have any others :smiley:

I love the sleek look too it, its definently an improvement from the last one. But, there is always room for improvement! As I said before, I love your game! Just wish it had more players. Wish you luck!

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I think its a huge improvement, although the guy jumping is slightly rotated a bit, making it look very unnatural, and, the lightning on him is far to dark, which isn’t very good for a cartoony and fun logo. Id also recommend using a font like Burbank and putting a black outline around the text.

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Thank you! That was my first render on Blender but I’m slowly starting to pass the learning curve. I’ll definitely be sure to try that out! Thank you!