Monetization Ideas for my Tycoon Game

Hey everyone!

I am currently making a tycoon game called Factory Tycoon. I want some ideas on ways I can add more monetization to my game.

Here is what I have so far.

x2 Cash - Gives the player double the cash
Passive Crates - Increases the amount of passive money you earn
Ultimate Upgrader - Unlocks an OP upgrader
VIP - gives x1.5 cash and chat tag (cash stacks with x2 cash)

Dev Products:
7 packages of cash you can buy (from 29 robux to 1499 robux)

This is it. What else should I add (if any)? Also, please give me good prices for the gamepasses.

Note that I am not trying to make this game as some cheap, cash grab. I actually want to make a high quality version of an old tycoon system (not the way new tycoon games work).

Thanks a lot!

If you have questions, please ask and I can answer them.

Also, what are some badges I can add?

Right now I have the you met the owner and you joined badge

  1. Don’t include any gamepasses that directly help the player’s income (ESPECIALLY 2x cash.) Doing this will easily drive away potential players who are looking for a fun game to sink their time into. I don’t know anybody who actually plays games that are that pay to win.
  2. You could encourage players to spend money without making your game P2W by offering things like a premium currency, which gives the player exclusive items that can only be bought with this currency. BUT MAKE SURE TO ALLOW A WAY TO EARN THIS CURRENCY WITHOUT PAYING! (A good way to do that would be to add crates that fall from the sky, and some of them can give you the premium currency.)

I wouldn’t focus on that aspect of the game till you’re done with everything else, because when you’re finished you’ll understand your game deeply, and will have a clearer idea of what possible badges you can incorporate.