Monetize your Roblox game | Donation Board 3.0

Thank you. I see it now. It’s a little </> icon. It’s a bit confusing how it was listed though and was hard to catch for me. Might be something that can be improved on in terms of clarity for other people :+1:

Yes, I meant developer products!

Are you updating the model with the fixes? It still has a date of 6/1…

The MainModule being loaded is updated otherwise you’d reinstall the board for each update/hotfix.

I will only update the board for major updates like v3.5, and v4 for the introduction of new backgrounds, light mode, or default GUIs.

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You need to add a feature that is highly requested, which is: Webhook Discord

This feature is good for people who know in time who has Donate a large or small amount of robux on Discord.

Also, the second required feature is global donation, meaning that a message comes to all people on all servers about this person donating, for example, 1000 Roblox.

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How do you donate Robux on Discord?

I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that when a person donates inside the game, a message comes on Discord that this person donated.

What do you mean you’d reinstall the board for each update/hotfix???

I don’t understand. If we only use the non-auto-updating MainModule then won’t we be able to use the previous versions for however long we want? And update only when we want to?

If that’s the case why won’t you update the MainModule too along with the board??? I am a bit confused about that.

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On each server boot, the module will load its latest version. Utilizing this, we have an auto-update system for each update/hotfix without deleting and inserting the board again.

Some people however want to stick to certain versions. This can be done by downloading a physical copy of the MainModule.

Our main objective is to keep the board as user-friendly as possible, which includes updates to the source-code.

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Is it possible for you to upload different versions of the MainModule every time you do an update instead of updating every major version then??? It seems like you said you only update every major version in a previous post for the MainModule (non-auto-updating).