Verison 2.0.1 (Part 1)
Added Christmas Decorations
Promotion store inside kitchen (Cost bananas (our in-game currency))
Verison 2
Custom Admin system (Commands don’t show in chat)
Custom Anticheat/exploit
[Custom Loading screen] Loads in assets, and data.
In-game settings (for optimization, notification settings, and other types)
AFK Detection (Can be disabled in settings)
Twitter/Game Codes!
So much more.
Added Promoxity Chats
Custom combat system (Sword fighting)
Removed a game (we are going to add a new one)
Added merch in the merch store!
Plus, More!
Verison 1.9.1
Auto-updating scripts
This system was added to keep every machine at the same version, and it will help prevent any outdated scripts. This started with AutoStartUp Project.
Barista System
Rescripted the whole system
Added new cups for Soda, MilkShake.
Added Whip cream and straw/lid for milkshakes
Added Errors Notifications.
Chef System
Rescripted the whole system
New Ovens
New Fryer
Roll Dough UI
Patched a lot of bugs at Sword Fighting!
Added Snowman
Fixed Daily Reward (Day 5 and 6)
Fixed Chat tags
Patched a few things
And more!
Verison 1.9
Winter Update
Ice Staking!
Fixed Obby Reward (5 to 25 bananas)
Fixed Daily Rewards
Added Gingerbread
Removed Pumpkin Spice!
Verison 1.8
This Update was just a performance update
Verison 1.7
Cut Scene/Tutorial
Custom Loading Screen
Add items to shop
Daily Rewards (Group Members only)
New UI for unauthorized players trying to enter the kitchen
Prepare for v2.
Door to Kitchen
Verison 1.6.2
- Reflective Banana Sword (1/3 chance of a banana per kill)
- Fixed Promotion in Monkey Shop
- Added a false positive function to prevent people from cheating bananas.
- Fixed Bugs with Sword Fighting.
Verison 1.6.1
- Fixed Banana Sword. (Fixed the Grip, and Damage)
- Fixed Corporate Announcement (Now actually shows up)
- Fixed Command List (!cmds)
- Decrease the chance of random stock events
- Fixed Song Request (!addsong or !request)
- Fixed Double Recipe Guide Bug
- Fixed Double Sword Glitch
- Bug Fixes
Verison 1.6
- New UI - Mute Button, Corporate Announcements
- Sword Fighting
- Monkey Shop
- Added UI for Recipe Guide that looks like a tablet.
- Added rewards for completing Obby.
- New Notification System
- New Lighting
- Donation Board
- Leaderboards (Richest Player)
Verison 1.5 & Below
All things before this update were not properly logged, we are sorry for the confusion!