If anyone can play the game before I start to release it to tell me if there is any changes I should make that’ll be greatly appreciated.
PS: Only 1 player while in development, it normally runs 4 players
I am impressed. Really nice style, great intro tutorial. I did notice at the end of the tutorial, the UI doesn’t disappear. Other comments:
Direction arrow appears to be a bit too close to the player.and could be slightly more transparent.
-The Inventory UI also seems to be numbered in reverse 9 → 1. Some UI elements on the left hand side stayed saying “Loading…” amd never changed from that.
-Might be cool to have the direction arrow switchable, so it points you to the next available item as it did disappear form my screen after a few minutes.
-Bull doesnt spawn with full health so he dies quite quickly in a fight.
NPCs seem to be following a MoveTo, but get intercepted by the enemy NPCs. Should they not stop the MoveTo the fighting area and go to nearest target?
Elevator button in mine is not entirely clear. Took me a little while to work out how to get back to the surface
I eventually got stuck by falling down the tower. Need to fill the hole in