@robloxjw02, you can mute the sound by clicking on the volume button!
Previously, there was a version with a toggle and volume slider. But after giving it a thought, it seemed unnecessary to have both since the volume changing feature could do both functions.
I am glad you like this plugin, thank you!
@bitsplicer, that’s weird… Maybe the sounds failed to load for you?
The plugin now saves your chosen typing sound, preferred volume, theme, and any songs you’ve added using Roblox IDs automatically. You also now have the option to remove them from your music library.
Also maybe instead of using DidOpen + Selection on ScriptEditorService, maybe use DidChange, because using DidOpen + Selection = also playSound on mouse clicking.
Also I think on dark mode when you add music, the new button looks kinda weird.
The plugin now lets you know if there’s an update available.
(Note: This may affect the plugin’s permissions, but I am not sure. Let me know if it does.)
There was a bug where songs added from local files didn’t have buttons to remove them from the list. This has been fixed, so please make sure to update the plugin.
Thank you for bringing this up! I wouldn’t have discovered the bug otherwise.
Could it be possible to change theese sounds while in the script editor? it would be really helpful changing the sounds&music while in the script editor.
@TimeFrenzied, the plugin already plays typing sound at a random pitch. I’ll consider adding a setting for selectable pitch ranges. Custom typing sounds also sound like a good addition — I’ll look into adding that as well.