Moon animation is horrible in game

I trying to make an animation with objects via the moon animator, but I got a problem.
Here’s a video of an expectations in the moon animator

And the reality in my game

How to make an animation with objects play like in the moon animator.
I suppose that there’s more convenient method than making animations via the tween service.

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I can’t see the video but where’s tween service involved?

If you mean playing non-character animations created by Moon Animator in-game, then somebody has already created a module to do this for you: GitHub - MaximumADHD/Moonlite: A WIP lightweight in-game player for xSIXx's Moon Animator
Just download the Moonlite.rbxm file and insert it into your game, then require the module and use as according to the documentation.

Also the videos aren’t loading for me too, you should try re-record them since they could’ve become corrupt or something…


@XxLegitOPxX Yes, I gonna animate non-char animations.
I have installed the file but I can’t insert it.
When I trying to insert it, it’s empty and folders inside too. I clicked File\open from file and folders were empty.
Am I did something wrong?
I tried to reload video files.

.rbxm files are supposed to be inserted inside of a game itself, you’re not supposed to open it like a normal .rbxl place file. Instead, try right-clicking ReplicatedStorage in the Explorer, then click “Insert from File…”, and select the Moonlite.rbxm file.
After that you should see the Moonlite module under ReplicatedStorage with 3 other modules under it, like shown here:
2023-07-26 12_55_29_461-Baseplate_-_Roblox_Studio

Then you simply have to require it in a LocalScript (if you use it in a normal script Moonlite outputs a warning saying you shouldn’t use it on the server) like so:

local Moonlite = require(game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").Moonlite)

@XxLegitOPxX Can you explain why createplayer and moon.track are needed

Moonlite.CreatePlayer(save: StringValue)

Creates an “animation player” for that specific animation save StringValue. The function should return a “MoonliteTrack” which is then used to control playback of the specific animation you provided. Here’s where “animSaves” should be stored by default:
2023-07-26 14_50_36_244-DPCDocumentsROBLOX_PlacesVFX_practice.rbxl_-_Roblo

You can then call methods like :Play(), :Stop() and Reset() on the MoonliteTrack to control playback (more listed on the documentation on github)

Here’s an example of how you would do it:

local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

local Moonlite = require(ReplicatedStorage.Moonlite)
local animSave = ServerStorage.MoonAnimator2Saves.movePart -- You can move this animSave anywhere you want
local track = Moonlite.CreatePlayer(animSave)

track:Play() -- Play the animation
track.Completed:Wait() -- Wait for animation to finish
track:Reset() -- Reset to initial state

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Thank👍 you for help and support! Animation plays properly!


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