[moon animator 2] how to wrap keyframes past the loop point back to the beginning?

i’m making a simple 3 pose idle animation and i want to offset one of the tracks from the others.


but when i do so the loop gets messed up.
is there a way i can wrap the area marked in red back to the beginning? the easing style isn’t linear.

What easing style is it and may I take a look at the animation.

it’s sine in/out this is what the animation looks like currently


i offset the right arm’s track a bit and this is the best i’ve been able to loop it (you can see it’s not perfect)

You could try using cubic out or bounce out since it starts that frame a little bit faster but there is no real way to loop it back to that keyframe.

that doesnt work it makes the animation jitter between keyframes

for anyone wondering i found a solution some time ago

you can fill the keyframes, ungroup them, shift them how you want and then wrap them.

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