[Moon Animator] Animations/Rigs broken after reopening studio

Hey. So, I was working on an animation yesterday using Moon Animator and all was fine. However when I reopened studio the next day to continue my work, I found that the keyframe tweening was severely bugged in some spots, and selection was not functioning for specifically the model’s torso.
Also, the rigs are stuck in a position from the animation even when Moon is closed.

How the animation is supposed to look (Before I closed studio):

What the animation looks like currently (After reopening studio):

The torso not being movable (Also after reopening):

I already did some research prior to writing this post, and I found out that this was caused by me exiting studio before closing Moon Animator (I really think this problem should really be mentioned somewhere in the plugin so people don’t lose a ton of work like I did. or maybe it already is and I’m just blind). I’m still pretty new to Moon so I didn’t know this. Though I still have an important question, which is why I wrote this post in the first place:
Is there any possible way for me to salvage this? Or do I need to completely start over and remake the rigs. I’ve thought about it for a while and I’ve got nothing. Any help would be much appreciated.

Either way, I guess it’s a lesson learned. I’d still be pretty bummed out if I had to redo all of this though.


Alright good news! It’s been resolved! Just had to delete the rig that had the original animation, import another rig, rename the 2nd rig to the same as the one deleted and load the animation again.
Needs a little fixing but for the most part I salvaged what I needed! Thanks random person who contacted me on a different platform to help. You’re a lifesaver. :happy3:


For anyone else that’s had the same problem, make sure to change the new rigs’ HumanoidRootPart’s position and orientation to match the old one!

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