Moon Animator Question

basically, in moon animator is there a way to set certain keyframes to just animate Rotation, while the reset of the keyframes just handle the Move tool?
(if you need more context feel free to ask)

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Could you provide a bit more context?

yeah so, if you are making a cutscene and you place to keyframes (1 start and 1 end) and they go straight forward, those 2 keyframes will just handle movement. but you want the cutscene to rotate as well, so you place 2 key frames (start-middle and end-middle) that only rotate. is that possible?

I don’t think that feature is in Moon animator, as it is present only in blender. However, just to make sure, do you mean something like this :

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What type of movement would you like to achieve exactly.

well the reason i’m using moon is cause in the animation it’s just a camera animation not on the player

I see. So it’s camera animations, yes? What type of movement do you want to make it do.
Maybe the path it’s taking to complete said movement?