Moonlight has a delay

does anyone know why this happens or how i can fix it?

sped up the day night cycle so you can see

with a normal day night cycle the delay is much longer


This is a roblox problem. One solution you could do is instead of using roblox’s nighttime, when it is about to turn nighttime switch your lighting to lower brightness, switch skybox, change sun image to a moon image, and adjust any lighting properties.

I made 2 functions which will translate normal Clocktime to where when it turns nighttime, the sun will instead follow where the moon would be:

-- Functions:

local function GetTimeInDay(Number) -- Translates clocktime so it stays daytime
	return (Number >= 18 or Number <= 6) and Number + 12 or Number

local function GetClockTime(Number) -- Basically allows clocktime to go above 24 and will wrap it around. So 24 would stay 24, and 25 would become 1
	local Max = 23.999
	return Number > Max and Number - ((math.ceil(Number/Max) - 1) * Max) or Number

-- Code example:

local WantedRealClocktime = 3 -- This is the actual clocktime that we want, 3 am
local TranslatedClockTime = GetClockTime( GetTimeInDay(WantedRealClocktime) ) -- This is what we set the clocktime property as

Lets say it’s 3 in the morning. If you were doing a day and night cycle the normal way, it’d look like this:

Now if you put used my example code with 3, it outputs a clocktime in which the sun will be where the moon is:

(But you would have your fake day lighting effects applied)

I made an example script. Put this into a script in server script service and press run. Notice how there’s still a day/night cycle but the sun is always out:

local Lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local Speed = 0.05
local CurrentRealClockTime = 0

local function GetTimeInDay(Number)
	return (Number >= 18 or Number <= 6) and Number + 12 or Number

local function GetClockTime(Number)
	local Max = 23.999
	return (Number > Max) and Number - ((math.ceil(Number/Max) - 1) * Max) or Number

while task.wait() do
	-- Current real clocktime is what the clocktime would actually be, this can be used to decide if its night or not.
	CurrentRealClockTime += Speed
	if CurrentRealClockTime > 24 then -- This is needed
		CurrentRealClockTime = 0
	-- Find the "fake" clocktime and set it
	local FakeClocktime = GetClockTime(GetTimeInDay(CurrentRealClockTime))
	Lighting.ClockTime = FakeClocktime

I tried wording this the best possible, let me know if any of it doesn’t make sense. Also, this may seem like a lot of work but it allows a lot more control over how your nighttime looks and you can still use sunrays and make them look like moonrays, and gets right of the harsh transition from daylight to moonlight that you don’t like

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