Hi, DevForum! I’m back with more chiptunes I made for practice. This one is more “intense” than my last one. Let me know if you like it and if there’s anything I could improve on!
I call this one “Murder Party”.
Hi, DevForum! I’m back with more chiptunes I made for practice. This one is more “intense” than my last one. Let me know if you like it and if there’s anything I could improve on!
I call this one “Murder Party”.
This is a bop! I love it! I think you did good on this one!
Definitely has the tension to call it a “murder party”, it’s so jumbly and disorienting.
I barely have any further comments to add on top of it, the arrangement is comprehensively structured. Perhaps you want to compress the hi-hats/cymbals(or raise the presence of those sounds)?
why is my head moving. But Seriously it sounds so good and would be perfect for something like a boss battle, im not a music expert but I know I can vibe to this song.
anyone else getting some pokemon vibes???
I feel like the detuned/chaotic bridge lasted a bit too long. But other than that, this sounded really well done! I was actually bopping my head a little bit to the beat
Super awesome, I loved it!
Love it already when only 10 seconds in
Kinda gives me scott pilgrim Vibes
This is so awesome! You are amazing at what you do man! As I’ve said once, and I’ll say it again, please make a Spotify thing with all of you chiptunes! You are awesome, keep up the great work dude!
This is really amazing well done! It reminds me of doing a mini boss battle fight in a game which I played once.
Gah, can’t think of which game it reminds me of but, keep up the awesome work!
Boss game music.
This… does put a smile on my face…