More documentation on ProximityPromptExclusivity

Page URL: ProximityPromptExclusivity

Issue Description:

This isn’t enough documentation for behaviors that a relatively new feature has, we shouldn’t have to spend time experimenting and we should be able to know exactly what it does just by reading the documentation or even better looking at images / videos from official sources


Pretty sure EnumItems never get detailed documentation with media to augment each option. The explanation for what prompt exclusivity does better belongs on the Exclusivity property page rather than on an enum page.

Enum pages are almost purely for reference while classes and properties pages provide the explanations and demonstrations. This would keep documentation consistent and better accessible - developers are going to look through the property page if they want to know how to use the item, not the enum.

The post on the announcement is pretty detailed too

Also, these tuts explain very well to

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@MyHeadisMelting thanks I will check those out!!

my point is there should be enough documentation without me having to find it outside of devhub

We shouldn’t have to spend 20 minutes watching a video explaining something that should already have official documentation

@colbert2677 I don’t care where the documentation is I just want more information in general and specifically for each of these Enums

Thank you both for replying though I appreciate it

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Hey, thanks for flagging this. I’ve raised it with the documentation team, and they’ll get to it when they can!


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