local function Choose()
local Map
local GameModes = {"Murder Mystery", "Prop Hunt", "THunt"}
local Maps = {}
local GameChoice = math.random(1, #GameModes) --- Ehh getting a random choice
for _, MapValues in ipairs(game.ServerStorage.GameData[GameModes[GameChoice]].Maps:GetChildren()) do -- for loop getting all of the chosen gamemode
table.insert(Maps, #Maps+1, MapValues) -- Inserts the values, Dont feel like writing out the maps
local MapChoice = math.random(1, #Maps) -- orders the map choics
Map = Maps[MapChoice] -- Gets map choice
return GameModes[GameChoice], Map
What I did here works but is there a betterway to do this?
This won’t be specific to your use case, but from the looks of it you are trying to pick a random map from a list of maps.
local function pick()
local maps = location:GetChildren()
local selected = maps[math.random(1,#maps)]
return selected
local result = pick() -- Will be the map Instance
After further review of the post:
This looks like how I’d select it. At first glance I can’t see a better way to do it. Only changes I have there is I have compiled them into a little smaller pieces and used Instances instead of values or whatnot.
local lastPlayer = nil
function stuff()
local selected = however player is selected
if selected == lastPlayer then
-- Redo. Maybe use a function for picking the player so you don't copy the same code
-- Whatever needs doing
lastPlayer = selected
function MainModule.SetupGame() -- Game Setup only if players are true
local GameMode, Map = ChooseGame() -- Player1/Player 2 may depend on the gamemode TBD
local Player1, Player2 = ChoosePlayer()
print(GameMode, Map, Player1, Player2)
if Player1 == Player2 then
Player2 = nil
Player2 = Player2
Player1 = Player1
return true
Why set Player1 to itself and Player2 to itself?
You’ll need to reassign Player1 and Player2 after running ChoosePlayer again and then check on top of that or it will just return true.