More HTML and CSS features for designing posts

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too tedious to … make your community tutorials/resources look appealing to the eye.

HTML and CSS has a ton of items to improve the look of things.
Developers should be able to utilize these on the forums so they don’t have to make all their designs or thumbnails in a external software.

A couple of examples of what I mean is:
Gradients, animations without using gifs, more interactions (like things that change when you hover over them)

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because … I can make my resources more attracting and popular, resulting in more motivation and updates, and boost productivity.

I might be asking for something too big, but this seems like it would be nice to have. Plus, lower budget developers might not have something as advanced as photoshop.


And these are community posts/tutorials. Why would they need to be ‘appealing’ ?


If I’m going to be honest here, the point of tutorials is to present instructions in a clear and easy to understand manner.
I’m pretty sure that cluttering up tutorials with mostly unneeded animations/colours/etc is a bad idea for all parties involved and will just be a severe detriment to learning from them.

Images, gifs, and videos (whenever they are needed) convey more than enough information to assist with learning.

Plus, the fact that would be ridiculously hard (near, if not entirely impossible) to implement on discourse, it would also be ridiculously abusable and could even at the absolute worst case scenario open up a huge security vulnerability (think cookie/account theft from simply visiting a thread tier huge)

I could see something like that being useful for portfolio designing on the talent hub however. People always complain that, despite having identical formatting to the devforum alongside a huge range of extra features, it apparently isn’t able to live up to it.
I’d imagine if people could code their pages with html/css they’d finally stop complaining about stuff that already exists (since that’s literally as bare bones/free roam as you can get for customisation)


q, why do they need to look nice or appealing if the tutorials purpose is just to teach you?

  1. you can make a .htm or .html file or host the website with glitch, and link it to devforum

The less appealing your community post/tutorial is, the less likely people will read your tutorial or use your resource. First impressions matter.

Other than that, I don’t really think having more HTML options is 100% crucial rather than just aesthetics. My opinion though.

This isn’t really the case. How appealing your topic is impacts readability. It doesn’t stop you from following a tutorial or using a resource if you believe it’s legitimately useful.

Again, the focus shouldn’t be on how appealing your topic is. This will be taken care of when you use appropriate formatting and conventions. Anything else is really just extra.

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