Metatables | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
__gc doesn’t mention that it only works with userdatas (in 5.1), and that it’s disabled in roblox and will never fire.
__mode doesn’t give enough information about the behavior with instances.
Instances can be weak, as they are userdatas, and userdatas work with weak tables.
local weak = setmetatable({},{__mode="v"})
weak[1] ="Folder"
--> nil
It is also wrong saying that tables that hold instance references will never be garbage collected.
local weakvals = {__mode="v"}
local weak = setmetatable({},weakvals)
weak[1] = setmetatable({},weakvals)
weak[1][1] = workspace -- won't be collected, as it's a global
--> nil
It should mention how an instance being under DataModel doesn’t prevent it being removed from the weak table. Having an instance with a property pointing to that instance being held in the weak table also doesn’t prevent it from being removed from the weak table. (e.g ObjectValue, or just any object parented to it)
For instance,
local weak = setmetatable({},{__mode="v"})
weak[1] = workspace.Terrain
--> nil
--> Terrain
However adding a strong reference makes the terrain instance stay in the weak table.
local weak = setmetatable({},{__mode="v"})
weak[workspace.Terrain] = 1
weak[1] = workspace.Terrain
--> Terrain
--> Terrain
Weird behavior, but I think it should be documented better.
The documentation should also mention what __mode should be.
“v” = weak values
“k” = weak keys
“kv” or “vk” = weak keys and weak values
The documentation doesn’t state what weak references are, which it probably should.