More intensive ForceField effect from the ForceField material

I don’t know if this is possible or if this require scripting

  • What are you attempting to achieve?
    So what i want to achieve is to have a part do the effect the ForceField material do when you walk through it but i want it to do it at a greater distance

  • What is the issue?
    The issue is that the material property can’t be change using normal things (as far as i know)

  • What solutions have you tried so far?
    I have tried to search up some stuff but nothing has done what i wanted to

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Not sure if this is what you mean, but changing the Transparency to negative numbers on a ForceField part will increase its visuals

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So it isn’t what i want but it does look kinda cool but it is the effect when you walk through it where it makes like a border around you when you pass through it that i wan’t to make visible at a longer distance

Try incrementing the reflectance? Don’t know what your really talking about

it doesn’t really do what i want also this is what i mean:
The lines you can see are the effect i am talking about i need a way to do the same thing but without the player needing to pass through it

That effect happens with any part, so if you want the effect to show up you can put parts inside the forcefield part

i know but i need it to happen when the player get’s close to it but not touching it

I think thats not possible. ForceFields only do that effect with parts collide with it.

but i have seen games do this so that effect must be possible somehow

Can you show me a gif of it working?

i don’t remember what games has it but i just can remember there is games that do it

Well you can create a detector with a script far to the forcefiled that when is touched create a part in the forcefield activating the effect.

You can add a texture to the part and it should do an effect. The texture could be a grid.

but that would make it so the effect is on the hole part and at all times it needs to only do it when the player is near

Maybe make the texture visible when player is near.

but then it would just show the hole thing when the player is near because as far as i know there’s no way to only show parts of a texture

Maybe split the big part in tiny parts that have the size of the character? I am not an expert

so are you saying you want to have like a forcefield effect, that is the size of the the characters outer image, kinda like a ghost effect that when they get close to say a wall, there is like static around them?
like the other said, it would be great to see a real example of a game that does it…
they might be doing it with a beam decal that shows up when they touch one part, it kicks off the beam image of a second thing, and would always be facing the player, at a distance
or if the image that you did share is how you want it, only from a further distance, send a big zoomed out image of it, and also how you created that image

Or you create a meshpart that is how you want the forcefield mesh to look like , ie the outline shape of an average player zig zag circle donut like thing, then have another part further out, that when touched, scripts positions the mesh part X amount away from the players position, and turns on the transparency of the mesh part so the forcefield of the mesh is visible


something like this, only change the mesh part to something you want it to look like