More trade slots

Neither are the other communities, but whatever. Nothing apart from a out of date design update has been made to the Trade System in 5 years.

No, they’re not. There is a long line of communities in need of web changes, so some are going to be done before others – that doesn’t make them the center of the universe.

The trade system is not the only feature that hasn’t been given attention:

  • Forums have not had a notable update aside from UI changes
  • Every problem present at the launch of groups is still present, excluding features for developers
  • Mobile app has always been severely limiting on what users can do on the site

And all four have been on hold because there are features that affect more prominent communities or the entire site (e.g. avatar editor, catalog, messages, web chat). There are still much higher-priority issues that need to be tackled in addition like botting. The trade system, groups, forums, and the mobile app will all be improved when their turn is up.