More work on my Star Wars GFX

Here are even more of my GFX, All revolving around Star wars (basically just lightsabers)
What do you think about the progression?


I’m unfamiliar with star wars but these look really good, especially the top two

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Actually, I am slightly confused at the last one, surely the lightsabre wouldnt cast a shadow?

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Oh, I didn’t even notice that. Thank you for pointing that out! Ill need to figure out a way to get rid of that shadow

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not a fan of the lightsaber model , and the fact that you can see this:Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 3.14.44 PM

the lightsaber has a shadow (which it shouldn’t be that prominent, its a LIGHT saber).

the one for NJC has a weird posing and stuff and the lightsaber is THIN.

the one for REBORN looks like the screen was split in have and there is some random guy just winking. and the mustache is like low poly.

the instructor one is nice, just that the lightsaber will literally make him have two eyepatches, and the way he is holding it is unnatural.

the revolucious one is also nice with lighting all just that lightsaber too thin, there are some weird spots on the arm, the posing is unnatural (the way he is holding lightsaber), and the lightsaber has too much glow and stuff.

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Try to use your own shirt texture in blender with normal.