Last Updated: Mar 8, 2022
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Admin Usage Guide
Permission Levels:
LR | None |
MR | Moderator |
HR | Administrator |
SHR | Administrator |
Dev+ | Owner Admin |
We recommend you use the ‘ key to type in the admin commands so other players can’t see what you are doing.
If you are looking to see if you can use a certain command use the ⌘+F/Control+F and enter the command name.
Logging commands
- :chatlogs | Good for checking if a player said something.
- :logs | Shows commands used.
- :joinlogs | Shows the last 1000 players who joined.
Moderation Commands
:kick - Kicks the specified player.
:ban - Server bans the specified player.
Notes: Every 3 warnings is a kick when they reach 9 warnings it is a server ban.
:view - Views the specified player.
:unview - Unviews the specified player.
:to - Teleports you to the specified player.
:bring - Teleports the specified player to you.
:tp - Teleports the first specified player to the second specified player.
:viewtools - Views the specified player’s tools.
:name - Names the specified player.
:h - Puts a temporary message on the top of everyone’s screen.
:m - Shows a large message on screen. :sm - Shows a large message but says “System Message”
All commands used are logged into a Discord Channel, our SHR+ will quickly notice :kick all or :ban all
Do NOT use :h, :m, or :sm without permission from a SHR+.
Do NOT use the all command without Permission from a SHR+
Abusive commands:
- :m/:h/:sm This command should only be used by HR+ any ranks lower than that using these announcing commands without reason will be striked. If you are a HR. You can ONLY use ‘:h/:m/:sm” to announce the beginning and ending of a shift or announcing a training in-game.
- :admin/:unadmin/:mod/:unmod This command should not be used by anyone. Using these commands could potentially get your own commands withdrawn from you.
- :music/:give/:startgear/:ws/:play These commands are not to be used as they seem unprofessional and unnecessary, these commands may only be performed by SHR+.
- :ff/:unff/:time/:play/:god/:ungod/:fly/:sit Are also considered abusive- they just ruin the game for others and make staff look unprofessional. These commands may only be performed by SHR+.
:to/:bring/:tp Allowed when someone may be glitched somewhere and they are stuck or there is a troller and you tp them to you to deal with them. It should not be used for tping/bringing higher ranks.
:view/:unview Allowed to watch suspicious players such as exploiters, trollers or glitchers. It should not be used to spy/stalk higher ranks.
:chatlogs/:joinlogs/:logs/:shutdownlogs/:cmds/:ingameadmins/:bans Allowed for general game moderation.
:respawn/:res/:refresh/:ref Allowed to respawn yourself or anyone else who asks to be refreshed. For example, if they are glitched or really laggy and they request for you to refresh them, you can. It should not be used to ”:respawn all” or anyone who does not request it.
:kick Allowed when a player has 3 warnings or is attempting to raid, glitch or be verbally abusive to anyone. “:kick all” is not allowed and it is logged immediately if you use it- if you use “:kick all” you could potentially have your admin taken away from you.
:ban Allowed when a player has been kicked at least 3 times and they continue to troll and be abusive after giving the player many warnings. You can use it in case of an exploiter in game.“:ban all” is not allowed and it is logged immediately if you use it- if you use “:ban all” you could potentially have your admin taken away from you.
Thanks for reading! Make sure you take all of this information in and continually look back at it to check that you are using your admin correctly. Please note, that if you abuse your admin powers, it can be taken away from you so- stick to this helpful guide.
More will be added soon…