Morph Button Not Working (Custom Model)

Hi, after finding a fix for the previous issue of my model not even importing now I’m looking for a way to make a functional, working morph button where the Player can stand on the button and then be morphed into my custom model shown here.

Screenshot of custom model in RS:

However, upon trying various morph buttons that are free to use using ToolBox none of them have worked. It either results in the Player not morphing at all, or the Player becoming “invisible” and “unable to move.” The model has a HumanoidRootPart, has a rig etc. so think it must be a problem with the scripts I’ve been trying but not sure.

What I have tried:

  • Searching for various tutorials on morph buttons on YT
  • Searching here for tutorials
  • Using different custom morph button scripts from ToolBox

Any help would be highly appreciated as I’d really like to be able to add this into a game of mine so I can update the wolf model from one that isn’t mine to one that is and eventually add animations as well.