Morph GUI not working and not giving an Error? Help!

Hey! I have a morph gui that isn’t working. It doesn’t give me an error. The part that doesn’t work is that it doesn’t spawn you in, with the morph or even without the morph. (Happens once your click “deploy”)

Main Script:

return {
	["FalconCorps"] = {
		ClassName = "Falcon",
		GroupId = 11359577,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(3, 99, 140),
		ClassIcon = 5726782626,
		Classes = {
			["Cadet"] = {["Name"] = "Cadet",["Icon"] = 5726782626,["MinRank"] = 1,["Tools"] = {"G17"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Trooper"] = {["Name"] = "Trooper",["Icon"] = 5726783342,["MinRank"] = 3,["Tools"] = {"F90","G17"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Marshal"] = {["Name"] = "Marshal",["Icon"] = 5726783342,["MinRank"] = 5,["Tools"] = {"MPX","G17"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Officer"] = {["Name"] = "Officer",["Icon"] = 5726784253,["MinRank"] = 8,["Tools"] = {"FAMAS","UZI"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["General"] = {["Name"] = "General",["Icon"] = 5726784253,["MinRank"] = 12,["Tools"] = {"FAMAS","X23","UZI_TK"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
	["MilitaryEnforcers"] = {
		ClassName = "Military Enforcers",
		GroupId = 0000000,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(212, 50, 50),
		ClassIcon = 5731726889,
		Classes = {
			["Cadet"] = {["Name"] = "Standard",["Icon"] = 5731726889,["MinRank"] = 20,["Tools"] = {"AK-74M","X23","G17","Cuffs"},["Shield"] = "MPShield",["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Inspector"] = {["Name"] = "Inspector",["Icon"] = 5731726889,["MinRank"] = 150,["Tools"] = {"AK-74M","X23","UZI","Cuffs"},["Shield"] = "MPShield",["Jetpack"] = nil}
	["Mercenary"] = {
		ClassName = "Mercenary",
		GroupId = 0000000,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(121, 203, 100),
		ClassIcon = 5731748247,
		Classes = {
			["Private"] = {["Name"] = "Private",["Icon"] = 5731748247,["MinRank"] = 20,["Tools"] = {"M110","UZI","ReconKnife"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Warrant Officer"] = {["Name"] = "Warrant Officer",["Icon"] = 5731748247,["MinRank"] = 150,["Tools"] = {"M110","MPX","ReconKnife"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = nil}
	["Paladins"] = {
		ClassName = "Paladins",
		GroupId = 12652461,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(139, 230, 244),
		ClassIcon = 5731749251,
		Classes = {
			["Squire"] = {["Name"] = "Squire",["Icon"] = 5731749251,["MinRank"] = 1,["Tools"] = {"SUPER-90","Titans Sword"},["Shield"] = "TitansShield1",["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Centurio"] = {["Name"] = "Centurio",["Icon"] = 5731749251,["MinRank"] = 40,["Tools"] = {"UMP-45","Titans Sword","UZI"},["Shield"] = "TitansShield2",["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Legionary"] = {["Name"] = "Legionary",["Icon"] = 5731749251,["MinRank"] = 70,["Tools"] = {"UMP-45","Hamaxe"},["Shield"] = "TitansShield3",["Jetpack"] = nil},
			["Grand Inquisitor"] = {["Name"] = "Grand Inquisitor",["Icon"] = 5731749251,["MinRank"] = 100,["Tools"] = {"UMP-45","Hamaxe"},["Shield"] = "TitansShield4",["Jetpack"] = nil},
	["RoyalGuard"] = {
		ClassName = "Royal Guard",
		GroupId = 12677099,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(212, 170, 15),
		ClassIcon = 5723202099,
		Classes = {
			["Initiate"] = {["Name"] = "Initiate",["Icon"] = 5723202099,["MinRank"] = 1,["Tools"] = {"AR33","UZI_TK","SGSpear"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = {Fuel = 30,NeonColor = Color3.fromRGB(182, 209, 4),FlameColor =, 197, 27),Color3.fromRGB(209, 196, 17))}},
			["Knight"] = {["Name"] = "Knight",["Icon"] = 5723202099,["MinRank"] = 2,["Tools"] = {"AR33","UZI_TK","X23","SGSpear","Medi"},["Shield"] = "SGShield",["Jetpack"] = {Fuel = 30,NeonColor = Color3.fromRGB(135, 96, 209),FlameColor =, 96, 209),Color3.fromRGB(135, 96, 209))}},
			["Arbiter"] = {["Name"] = "Arbiter",["Icon"] = 5723202099,["MinRank"] = 90,["Tools"] = {"AR33","UZI_TK","X23","SGSpear","Medi"},["Shield"] = "SGShield",["Jetpack"] = {Fuel = 30,NeonColor = Color3.fromRGB(135, 96, 209),FlameColor =, 96, 209),Color3.fromRGB(135, 96, 209))}},
	["Peacekeepers"] = {
		ClassName = "Peacekeepers",
		GroupId = 0000000,
		ClassColor = Color3.fromRGB(17,17,17),
		ClassIcon = 5723201487,
		Classes = {
			["Operative"] = {["Name"] = "Operative",["Icon"] = 5723201487,["MinRank"] = 10,["Tools"] = {"2-UZI","MP-412","X23","Cuffs"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = {Fuel = 50,NeonColor = Color3.fromRGB(25,25,25),FlameColor =,0,0),Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0))}},
			["Officer"] = {["Name"] = "Officer",["Icon"] = 5723201487,["MinRank"] = 100,["Tools"] = {"STA-52","MP-412","X23","Cuffs"},["Shield"] = nil,["Jetpack"] = {Fuel = 75,NeonColor = Color3.fromRGB(25,25,25),FlameColor =,0,0),Color3.fromRGB(150, 0, 0))}},

If anyone can, please help.

This script doesn’t do anything besides return a table of outfits I’m guessing.

I’m guessing this is a ModuleScript and you’re requiring it somewhere else. Is there a script or localscript that does that?

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I think so, I would have to go back and check.