NOTE: This may be the last update to the bulletin. Do not expect much following the current edit.
The “Mortem Metallum Republic” is a fan-based Mortem Metallum Group.
On July 29th, ClashLeaderLeo was fighting off attacks made by sammythesnake6, after making a small organization on the mountain in Mortem Metallum. I joined, and Clash left later, making PixieRobozzzzz the new leader. Eventually, sammy told us his idea of making a Republic. I was going to fund it, Pix was going to run it, and sammy would work with us as well. I founded the group, and made Pix the Chancellor, and made my own rank, the Head Of Operations. Later on, as we gained more members, I made more ranks, and sammy had his “Prime Minister” rank. The group grew for some time afterwards. The funny thing is, we had no idea that any other MM groups existed; we were, supposedly, the only ones, until we allied with the Doge Armada. Eventually, the MMBH, MMR Leadership, and MMR-NTF groups were founded.
Do not kill fellow members. Accidents are exceptions, obviously. 2. Do not KOS, unless told to by an HR+. We serve, not the opposite.
Do not KOS, unless the order is given by an HR. We defend and serve for justice.
Obey HRs. This is important. If you are not interested in an activity, or something of the sort, this can be over-ridden, though you will most likely be discredited.
Do not do anything drastic without an HRs permission. This includes demotions, kicks, and KOS.
Have fun. Probably the most important law, due to the group’s relation to a game.
Do not discriminate. Yes, this includes “furries”, and people of different race.
Don’t kill allies, or kill without getting attacked. This is important, because we are supposed to protect those who need protecting.
Primordial leadership is split by 33.33%. This is noted to be the First HC Order. The top 3 ranks, consisting of the HOS, CH, and PM, have power split between them. Power may be split in fourths, giving 25% to the HOO, or the lower ranks, in case of requests for democracy.
Uniforms/shop items are optional, unless you are representing the MMR. They help the group, and mark you as a member.
Mortem Crusaders
Division responsible for mass COD (Convert or Die) raids, and wars.
HOD: trollamamaa -
Division responsible for collecting bounties set by HRs.
HOD: LuxSemper -
Task force used against attacks that are otherwise jokes.
HOD: LuxSemper -
Espionage/counter-espionage services.
HOD: LuxSemper -
Defense of HICOM and raiding specialists.
HOD: LuxSemper
Base: Mountain
Court: Inner Mountain
Bunker: Secret Room
Member Count: 73
Fund Count (Includes Pending): R$ 381
Overall Group Value (Includes Sub-Divisions): R$ 2,375