Most Efficient way to create a Hitbox

My goal is to make a simple PVP script.

Basically there’s tons of fighting/battlegrounds games that have good hitboxes. If I were to compare my hitboxes to other popular games, I’d say my hitboxes suck.

I’ve tried raycasting and touched events with parts. The problem with raycasting is that the hitbox is too small. The problem with touched events is that if you were to punch at around the same time as your opponent, you will both hit eachother at the same time, and you will both get stunned. I have tried deleting the opponents hitbox if you hit first, and it worked, but not always. I also think that deleting the hitbox really just isn’t a good way to spend resources.

So what type of hitbox should I use? Maybe I could try using touched events or raycasting again, but if so, I need more info about how to use them.