I am trying to get an animation track’s length so that I can play them for a set duration (and speed them up or slow them down accordingly), but all the track’s animation lengths are 0 (on both client and server) until I fully play the animation for the first time. I’ve tried preloading them with content provider, but that did not seem to help at all. Does anyone know a workaround?
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Could always try:
-- psuedo code
if animTrack.Length == 0 then
or good ole reliable:
if animTrack.Length == 0 then
repeat task.wait() until animTrack.Length > 0
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Both of these yield infinitely. The animation’s length stays at 0 until I first play the animation.
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Dang never heard of this before… do you own the animations by chance? Could be due to that… if so then I honestly don’t know.
Yes, I own the animations. It’s really annoying how even preloading them doesn’t fix this.
The solution is to create a rig with an animator and load and play all the animations on it on the client. This is a pretty stupid solution, and it doesn’t make sense how preloading the animations does not mean they are immediately ready to be used.
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