I tried finding a rope sound effect for a zipline but all the ones licensed by Roblox either have silence at the start or the end which means I can’t loop them. Is there a way that I can clip a sound in studio? Having to look for and download a royalty free sound online then clip it is a big pain and this would improve my workflow by a lot.
I discovered a property I never knew existed while trying to find an answer to this question:
Under the sound object, there is a boolean property called PlaybackRegionsEnabled. Setting this to true adds 2 more properties under a category called Regions:

From what I can tell, Playback region is for when you want it to play Once, while LoopRegion is for when you want it to loop.
I believe that you would want to use a combination of both. The values are in seconds.
Set the Min in Loop region to the point you want the loop to start, and the Max to when the loop should restart.
For the PlaybackRegion, you can just leave the Max value, but you should set the min value such that the silence at the start of the audio is cut off.
This is exacctly what I needed, thank you very much!
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