Most secure way to communicate between a server script and local script?

I am working on a tower obby game (you have probably seen all my previous posts about it lol).

Anyway, I am fully aware of remote events and remote functions, but what would be the best way (if there is other safe ways) to communicate between my main tower generation server script, and all of the players local script that controls the height bar.

The tower needs to generate fully, then once it has generated fully, I want it to communicate with the local script in each players height bar to reload the bar (So that it shows the updated tower in the bar).

What would be the best, safest way to communicate between the two scripts?

I mean all you are doing is setting the bar height so it is not hat big of a deal. You could always detect that a player suddenly went from 10 studs high to 1000 studs high and kick them if you think they are exploiting. I don’t think an event for setting a GUI element would be hijacked.

If you’re referring to communication between server scripts and local scripts through the use of RemoteEvent instances then vanilla calls to the functions “FireServer()” and “FireClient()” would be the way to go, in other words, calling those functions and passing no information through them.