Motor6D animation issues

So I’m having this problem with my animations involving a tool. I implemented a motor6D configuration script on both the clients side being in the tool, and the server side being in ServerScriptService…

The Problem

When I play an Idle animation through a separate Animate script, I named ToolAnim…

When playing an Idle animation when the player has a proper motor6D weld in their right arm (R6 avatar btw) it works just fine by enabling the ToolAnim script to play the animations in there, and disabling the normal Animate script.

However when playing an animation through my own script my Activating the tool, the animation plays fine for the player Rig, but the tool itself doesn’t animate even though everything is the same… Here’s my code and some explanations

Client Side Tool Script playing animation listed:

Script in ServerScriptService that creates motor6D Welds

Important Notes/Tried Solutions: I used MoonAnimator and Roblox’s default animator and both produce the same issue, Motor6D weld in animation does animate the tool just fine, readjusting the motor6D in the animation and not in the normal space so 6d.C0 isn’t interfered with, and naming the motor6D the same as when animating as well as giving it the same parent as in game ( the character’s Right Arm ). I also tried putting motor6D welds on both the client and server side and both produce the same effect… I assume it’s something wrong with my Script because the Idle animation plays just fine under the default Roblox animation script ToolAnim thing.

Here’s a video example of how the animation looks in studio using MoonAnimator
robloxapp-20230528-1211136.wmv (778.8 KB)

Here’s how it looks and performs in game ( i wave my cursor around in the beginning to show the idle animation clearly animating the tool just fine but the Attack animation doesn’t do the same
robloxapp-20230528-1209223.wmv (4.5 MB)

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This is most likely an issue with the animation weight for the character. You can probably fix this by changing the animation priority. Action, Action2, Action3 or Action4. The higher the level, the higher the motion priority the animation will have under the used body parts.