Expected Behavior
When adjusting the C0/C1 of a Motor6D, in this case the Waist motor, in runtime I expect both the visual and hitbox to replicate.
Actual Behavior
currently only the hitbox replicates over (see screenshot) with all that’s attached to it (including limbs) except for the object itself in visual terms.
Issue Area: Engine Impact: High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-08-13 03:08:00 (+02:00) Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-13 12:08:00 (+02:00)
Desired Effect:
(This is the server-side view of my character model. When a player equips a weapon, a Motor6D is created that will connect a joint to the weapon. No tools are used as this is completely done within scripts.)
Actual Effect
(This is another players view of my player character. Unlike the server and my client model, the joint is completely desynced, and the C0 and C1 of the joint appears to be at the origin.
This doesn’t appear to affect the server, and it doesn’t affect the client who the motor6d is responding to. However, all other clients strangely don’t follow the same joints that the other clients have.
(My client seeing my own player character. Note that the joint issue isn’t occuring here.)
I had a similar issue with a ship unit in my other game, Tower Blitz. In it, you can summon a ‘Bliss of Finality’ ship unit that has a large animated cannon. When the animation plays, the server will play the animation, but all clients will not see anything come out. This is really similar to the issue I am occuring as of now.
Have you tried checking if the desired angle is the same on the server as on the client?, There was a bug 1 year ago were Motor6D would not replicate desired angle to the server, It could be back since I’m experiencing that.