Motor6d CFrame.lookAt issues

Hello, recently ive stumbled upon motor6d and what it offers. Straight to the point, the issue is:
Im trying to make a motor6d C0 point towards a Vector3 position

Ive tried things such as:

simply using cframe look at with no modifications

rHip.C0 = CFrame.lookAt(rHip.C0.p,ray.Position)

converting ray position to object space

rHip.C0 = CFrame.lookAt(rHip.C0.p,

and finally attempting to try and understand how and what motor6d.Transform does and in my case it did practically nothing.

Another issue i have stumbled upon is if u try to change the hip c0 while an animation plays it will make it try to come back, heres an example gif with

rHip.C0 = CFrame.lookAt(rHip.C0.p,ray.Position)

inside a run service stepped function
and heres whats happening on the server at the same time

Thanks in advance.

--Basic example on how to use Motor6D's for positioning welding.
local positionalOffset =, 0, 0 --[[ this would be your vector3 variable ]]) 
local OrientationalOffset = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)) -- i don't know if you need this or not 
Motor6D.C0 = positionalOffset*OrientationalOffset 

Motor6ds need special formula

This is one weird one that works, there is also another in my CFrame tutorial

My CFrame tutorial for C0 and C1