Motor6D-Connected Tool Bugging When Equipped

Hey there. I’ve been trying to figure out how to solve this problem occurring when I try to equip a tool. I’ve been using Headstack’s method of animating a tool which connects a Motor6D’s Part1 to a tool’s artificial Handle with the M6D’s Part0 connected to the Character’s Torso. This connection is done both in server and in the client to guarantee that no delays will occur.

However, no matter what, this bug happens:

Having been under this frustration for a while now, the tool seems to glitching and for a fraction of a second begins at the LAST position it was in before being unequipped.

I have tried switching the order of connection, server first then client via remotes and vice versa. I’ve tried doing the connection on the server or client exclusively and a whole bunch of things. Nothing seems to solve it. I’m trying to dismiss the hacky ways to solve this like having the tool invisible until the glitch. Has anybody solved this or found a way out of this problem?

-- # Server Script
local function CharacterAdded(Character)
		-- Inside a PlayerAdded function
		local Torso = Character:FindFirstChild("Torso")
		local GripM6D ="Motor6D")
		GripM6D.Name = "Grip"
		GripM6D.Part0 = Torso
		GripM6D.Parent = Torso
			if child:FindFirstChild("BodyHandle") then
				GripM6D.Part1 = child.BodyHandle
	CharacterAdded(Player.Character or Player.CharacterAdded:Wait())

-- # Client (in a modulescript)
       -- connects M6D on the client side
		if Grip and child == self.Tool then
			Grip.Part0 = Torso
			Grip.Part1 = self.Tool.BodyHandle
	local anim
	local function Equip()
        -- just to hastily test it with an animation playing
		local track = ReplicatedStorage.Animations.M1Garand.Aim.Aiming
		anim = self.Character.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(track)


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Have the Motor6D’s Part0 connect whenever the tool has been equipped instead of it already having a Part0 when it is first added. Set Part0 to nil when unequipped.

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