Motor6D in scripting + character animation

Im completely frustrated because im a pretty intermediate scripter but for the life of me Ive never been able to figure out Motor6D
and now I really need to use it but I cant figure out the issue.

I have been doing in pairs to get a Motor6D in each part

This is the latest variation I have tried, all it is really successful at is welding everything together, but no matter how I order the Parts and C’s. I feel like I tried every variation of how they connect and no matter what I do the best I can get out of the situation is the welding, but I cant animate it and it wont stay when I try to tween it so I must be approaching this completely wrong.

for i,v in pairs(parent:GetChildren()) do
			if (v:IsA("BasePart")) then
				if (bodyBase) then
					local m6d ="Motor6D")
					m6d.Name = tostring(v.Name.."_M6D")
					m6d.Part0,m6d.Part1 = bodyBase,v
					m6d.C0 = bodyBase.CFrame:inverse()
					m6d.C1 = v.CFrame:inverse()
					m6d.Parent = v

just use plugins, using this code is really outdated. plugins are better solutions and they allow u to position them so u can have custom joint origins and what not

What are you doing in terms of animating? Are you using a plugin or attempting to do this with something else? The Motor6D code looks fine as it is so I suspect there’s something else.

Its being created in the game so I cant

Just to animate it with the roblox animation plugin or to even move it with CFrame I would be happy with either one, but the parts dont follow the base body.

Are the parts anchored? Are the parts modeled inside of the body’s model? Are the parts logically welded [from limb to limb]?

what do u mean its being created in the game