Motor6D Multiplayer Bug

I have a Motor6D implemented in the player’s Right Arm to hold a broom.

As shown in the top image, it clips through the players right arm. It works perfectly fine in studio, and only occurs during a multiplayer session.
Here’s a small bit from the scripting used to assemble the Motor6D

local Morot6d ="Motor6D");
Morot6d.Parent = chr["Right Arm"];
Morot6d.Part0 = chr["Right Arm"];
Morot6d.Part1 = ANIMATIONBROOM.BobNobMobLob; --Handle of the broom
idleSweep:Play(); --idle animation
Morot6d.C0 =, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);

It appears you may not have a local value for the animation, unless that is only a snipit of the code. Hope this helps!

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Yeah, it’s only a snippet. It works A-OK in studio test runs, but it seems that error pops up during multiplayer.

Correct me if I am wrong, you said it only works in studio tests?

The animation does work, its just the broom that is positioned wrong on the arm.

Ah! I have a solution. Use this link. Tool Grip Editor - Roblox You can edit the tool grip to any arm, as opposed to having to use a motor 6. Hope this helps!

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Does the Tool Grip Editor allow for flexibility during animations? Can I animate it alongside the main player?

I believe so. It should provide flexibility.