Hello. I am making a moving “head” light and im working on the motors for it. I somewhat got it to make a circle movement. This is what I want: https://gyazo.com/5b15ddd371d60c99314968fdd6f05f04
This is what I have:
Heres my script
for i,v in pairs(workspace.AWashes:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name == "F1" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin(t*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos(t*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F2" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin(t*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos(t*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F3" then
local t =1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin(t*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos(t*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F4" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin(t*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos(t*2.094)
Multiply the panning angles of the lights on the right by -1 (the ones with cos). Then for delaying the rotation of the outer lights, make a variable for horizontal translation of the waves and add it to the x-axis for a horizontal shift to the left (if you were to graph them as math functions), like so:
local c = 0 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin((t + c)*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos((t + c)*2.094)
Which can be simplified to:
local c = 0 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity + c
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin(t*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos(t*2.094)
I’m pretty sure i missed a step but it doesnt go in the same rotation but it still looks off.
Heres my script now
for i,v in pairs(workspace.AWashes:GetChildren()) do
if v.Name == "F1" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
local c = 1 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin((t + c)*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos((t + c)*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F2" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
local c = 2 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin((t + c)*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos((t + c)*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F3" then
local t =1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
local c = 3 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin((t + c)*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos((t + c)*2.094)
elseif v.Name == "F4" then
local t = 1
while true do
t = t + v.Tilt.MaxVelocity
local c = 4 -- change this to how much you want to delay the outer lights
v.Tilt.DesiredAngle = math.sin((t + c)*2.094)
v.Pan.DesiredAngle = math.cos((t + c)*2.094)
Initially I thought you wanted half of the lights to spin clockwise and half to spin counter clockwise. Am I correct to assume that you want all four lights to rotate clockwise instead? If so, then our only problem is with the delay of each rotation. That is, the values we assign to c.
This should be an easy fix if we consider that c is an angle in radians that we use to offset the rotation of the lights. If you want to offset the rotation of a clock by a quarter of a full rotation, you set c = math.pi/2, or use c = math.rad(90) if you want to use degrees (since 90 degrees is 1/4 of a full rotation which is 360 degrees).
So say you want a light to be delayed by 23 degrees. You’d set c = math.rad(23).
This is the closest recreation I could get (by no means am I a builder):
Code I wrote:
local heartbeat = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat;
local lights = script.Parent:GetChildren();
local offset = 50;
local speed = 2.5;
for _,l in ipairs(lights) do
if not l:IsA("Model") then continue; end
local i = tonumber(l.Name);
local baseHinge = l.BaseHinge;
local hingeL = l.HingeL;
local hingeR = l.HingeR;
local t = os.clock() * speed + (math.abs(i) * offset);
local baseAngle = math.sign(i) * math.deg(math.sin(t));
local lightAngle = math.deg(math.cos(t) * 0.65);
baseHinge.TargetAngle = baseAngle;
hingeL.TargetAngle = lightAngle;
hingeR.TargetAngle = lightAngle;