Motor6D.Transform not working on viewmodel gun parts

So the player has a tool, which is fully rigged and animated, and there is a clone of the weapon model that is part of the viewmodel. I’ve got a table of the tool’s joints as well as the viewmodel’s joints, and I am trying to make the viewmodel copy the tool’s motor6d transform values
Here’s the code

currentweaponjoints = {} -- the tool's joints
viewmodeljoints = {} -- the viewmodel's joints

	if currentViewModel then
		for i, weaponJoint in pairs(viewmodeljoints) do
			local jointToCopy = weaponJoint[2]
			local myJoint = weaponJoint[2]
			for i, toolJoint in pairs(currentweaponjoints) do
				if toolJoint[1] == weaponJoint[1] then
					jointToCopy = toolJoint[2]
			myJoint.Transform = jointToCopy.Transform

Possibilites I’ve ruled out:

  1. The names of the joints not lining up, or joints having the same name
    I run code from the server which renames every joint in every tool to have a unique name, and the viewmodel has all matching motor6d names. Furthermore, the print returns the correct parent, so I know this can’t be the issue
  2. I made sure to run it on presimulation since I read that this is the way transformis meant to work.

What could be the problem? video: