Motor6D/Weld C0 Animation Inquiry

Hi, this is my first DevForum post ever, so please forgive me if it breaks any rules. If you need extra info, I’m happy to provide.

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to achieve an optimised method of creating animations for guns in my game.

  2. What is the issue? So, I’m using Motor6D’s and Welds to position guns onto a character, I have a weld/motor6d in the character’s torso when they have a gun equipped; which has it’s C0 property modified to be positioned. There are currently two C0 positions in game, one for the default position of a gun when holstered, and the other is for long guns which can be holstered onto a backpack [see images attached] The problem is, when I go to make animations, I can either make them with the backpack C0, no backpack C0 or no C0, creating animations with these values works fine until in game where that same animation is played but the C0 value is different. It’s quite difficult to explain but here’s an example:

I create animations in studio with the Motor6D’s C0 property positioned to be placed onto the character’s back, I create an idle animation and when I test it in game (without a backpack equipped) everything works fine, however when I equip a backpack and try the same idle animation, it bugs out since the C0 value is changed (due to having a backpack equipped)

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried attachments in the player’s torso to position the gun but I couldn’t get it to work. I’ve also tried to set the C0 value to nothing, temporarily make the gun invisible then play the idle animation and then set the gun back to visible. This works somewhat, but it produced an undesired result.

To sum up my inquiry, I was wondering if theres an alternative method I can use to avoid having to create two sets of animations for each gun which are affected by backpacks.