Motorcycle Keeps Falling Over

I recently made a motorcycle (first time) and I tried re-using an a-chassis system I used for the car since it looked like it had some settings for a motorcycle. As soon as I mount the motorcycle and it’s unanchored, the bike falls over. I tried everything and I can’t get it to work, how can I fix this? (I am very new to making vehicles)


I don’t really know much about this type of stuff, but maybe try welding the model?

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The model is already welded when it unanchors, that why it doesn’t fall apart as soon as it gets unanchored.

add an align-orientation constraint to the model and have another part that is anchored, invisible, and cancollide false, and have the two parts for the align-orientation be the body of the motorcycle and the part you created. then you’ll need a script to sync the y axis orientation of the body to the part. you could try: (the part would be the child of the body and the script would be the child of the part)

local part = script.Parent
local Body = part.Parent

   if att == "Orientation" then
      Part.Orientation =,Body.Orientation.Y,0)

I haven’t tried a script like this in a while so it might not work. If it doesnt let me know.

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What chassis are you using?

If it’s based off of A-Chassis it should work but there’s another chassis that could be better.

I’m using: A-Chassis 6.52S2 Kit - Roblox

Try this chassis out.

It’s purpose built to be a motorcycle chassis while A-Chassis is mainly supported for cars.

(disclaimer: I maintain this chassis so I’m able to assist in anything further but I’d prefer messages so this topic isn’t filled with back and forth posts.)

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This tutorial explains and shows how it can be done.


I’ve already seen the tutorial, doesn’t really explain much. It’s less of a tutorial and more like a speed-script showcase.


Can you show us some pictures/videos?

Yeah and I think it’s a little too complex

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Sure thing, just give me one second

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You can maybe try this?


I can’t seem to find the plugin he’s using in the video, do you have a link?

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Apologies, it’s still work in progress.

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I found a work around by just modifying the roblox provided motorcycle model

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