This happens when the new physics solver is on
Anchored motor brick is going 0.1 the default with a brick that has GLUE-on-top [x2]
Edit: This issue doesn’t happen when you turn PSGSolvedEnabled off
This happens when the new physics solver is on
Anchored motor brick is going 0.1 the default with a brick that has GLUE-on-top [x2]
Edit: This issue doesn’t happen when you turn PSGSolvedEnabled off
Can you post a repro level?
Tried to replicate and had no issues
I know why that is now, it’s not weld. It was glue
MotorBugOrSomething.rbxl (10.2 KB)
Repo place attached. Turn off the new solver and it fixes the problem. It doesn’t matter what you do it will always go crazy when it involves glue in the new solver