Mountain Castle / Making the interior, (Part 1)

Castle built by: murjarquitecto
Part of the interior of this castle, part 1

(The book stickers then turn into real books later)

(In Game)


I won’t be so sure with what you say

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This is amazing!! Great job, bro :+1:

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Man, you are seriously skilled. I see a promising building career in your future.


i mean it looks so good its worth so much!

how long did it take to make???

y do u write it like that?

Yesterday I started to design and today to build it

I hope my GPU could deal with that, looks amazing though! I’m stunned!

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@murjarquitecto ,asked for feedback, not other comments, not to offend but this is already off topic
(just say)

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by the way beautiful interior in the castle :wink:


This is such an amazing build my guy. I am just wondering how many parts did you use to build this magnificent master piece. Me personal I would build a smaller showcase because I don’t have the time right now but when looking at this makes me excited for people like to build stuff like is amazing. Keep it!

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this is the definition of beautiful

For now I have not reviewed the number of pieces, but I will let you know :wink:


Alright I was just wondering for some build that so big man thanks!

Captura de pantalla 2021-05-07 204229

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I bet it’s like 100000000000000. Press ctrl shift f4. To see it while playing in studio!