Mountain tool for Smooth Terrain

One tool in the old terrain tools that I found extremely handy was the mountain grow tool. I could just click where ever I wanted and grow a mountain in seconds.

I made this mountain using the tool before converting it to smooth terrain. It was probably done within ten minutes.

You were able to edit the strength of it and the angle of the mountain (at least I think you could).

Now creating one or even a range of mountains with the slow grow tool requires meticulous effort and hours of work.

Like these mountains for example, they took me two days to make.

It would be really convenient to have some tool that could generate or grow large mountains very quickly.

I know one problem with this would be how many polygons are in smooth terrain compared to the old terrain. In the old terrain it didn’t have very many polys so it was easy to grow, generate large amounts of terrain very quickly. In smooth terrain there’s more polygons which makes the generating time even longer, which is also the reason why we aren’t able to make the grow tool any larger. Im sure somewhere there’s some work-around but a tool like this would be extremely helpful.

Suported by zeuxcg as well


I agree that this would be extremely helpful. In the mean time you can use the add tool to quickly create a solid base for your hills/maintains and then use the grow and erode tools on top to smooth everything out and tweak it to your liking.

Yeah I used the add tool as well. but sometimes it just gets too out of control. The best thing to probably use now is the part to terrain plugin.



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Someone could definitely make a plugin to do this. Or you can make a pull request to the Studio Tools Github repository!

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