You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
- What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m suffering from a bug while developing my obby creator-like game, I would like a way to fix it and scripting examples would be helpful!
- What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
Whenever i move my mouse to position far away from the part, it sizes up.
As you can see that is not want I want as I am trying to creating a sizing system similar to that of roblox studio. The red orb thingy should be aligned with the mouse instead of going somewhere else
- What solutions have you tried so far?
This type of thing is not popular enough for solutions on devhub, i have spent hours looking.
Ill give 1 robuck to whoever figures out the issue! This should not be a difficult fix!
- Extra Details
Here are 2 parts of my code that are related to the issue.
function roundToStep(initialValue:number,step:number)
if typeof(initialValue) == "Vector3" then
local dividedvalue = initialValue/step
local roundedvalue = dividedvalue:Floor()*step
return roundedvalue
local roundedValue = math.floor(initialValue/step)*step
return roundedValue
function findaxis(l,s, f) -- oh this looks confusing, this just turns all values in the vector3/cframe not on the target axis (l) to f, and the value on the target axis to s.
local function fi(f,strin)
if typeof(f) == "CFrame" or typeof(f) == "Vector3" then
return f[strin]
return f
local thing = == "X" and s) or fi(f,"X"), (l == "Y" and s) or fi(f,"Y"), (l == "Z" and s) or fi(f,"Z"))
return thing
--[[ The issue may be with this find3dmousepos function!!! ]]---
local function find3dmousepos(Part, MaxRange) -- "Part" is what you filter
local MousePos = US:GetMouseLocation()
local Origin = workspace.CurrentCamera:ViewportPointToRay(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y)
local IgnoreParams =
IgnoreParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {Part}
IgnoreParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
local Result = workspace:Raycast(Origin.Origin,Origin.Direction * 100000, IgnoreParams)
return Result and or
Mini Function in Main Function
if CurrentlySizingPart == false then
CurrentlySizingPart = true
local startMousePos = v.CFrame.Position
local startPos = Part.Position
local startSize = Part.Size
MouseMovingConnection = Mouse.Move:Connect(function()
local delta = roundToStep((find3dmousepos(Part,1000).Position - startMousePos)[Letter],1)
local axisVector = findaxis(Letter, 1, 0)
local sign = math.sign(delta)
local magnitude = roundToStep(delta,1)
local offset = axisVector * magnitude
local newSize = oldSize + offset
local newPosition = originalPosition + (axisVector * (magnitude*-Number / 2))
Part.Size = newSize
Part.Position = newPosition
Please do not ask people to write entire scripts or design entire systems for you. If you can’t answer the three questions above, you should probably pick a different category. Ok i get it you bot