Mouse Cursor seems to bug?

I don’t know if this is the right place to post this

My mouse cursor seems to be bugging, I made a OTS Camera System for a while now and the mouse has been working fine since I made this gun system, I don’t know what the issue is?
As far as I know is that my camera system only makes the mousebehavior lock center when a weapon is equipped and lock current position when panning…


Yeah this is a bug that resurfaced, it makes testing my fps framework difficult to use.

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Yes it’s a new bug that appeared after the last update. Many posts have been made about it already tho.

This might be an issue with the new update to the CoreGui.

There has been a problem with the CoreGUI since the last update. Someone accidentally turned on IgnoreGuiInset at HQ, and it’s messing up a ton of systems.


yea.This bug has happened to many players.

Has anyone filed a bug report for this yet? Its basically made it impossible for me to work on my game based on mouse position + clicking :sweat_smile: