Mouse cursor teleporting - Roblox losing focus

Here is a quick gif of the issue in MeepCity. (ignore poor gif quality, cursor is the star of the show)

-Press and hold right mouse button and drag cursor, panning the camera as a result
-Release right mouse button after dragging X distance
-Attempt to move mouse
-Cursor teleports to a new position, exactly X distance the mouse was dragged, and in the same direction

This issue seems to occur in every Roblox game I play that has typical 3rd person mouse controls. It appears that Roblox is not getting focus. It has been this way for at least two months, but likely longer.

I tested two mice, an MX-518, and a G502. Both are Logitech.


Since my original post, this bug has come and gone away over a dozen times. It is currently affecting me, but the issue occasionally resolves for a few days before reappearing.