My issue is that in Studio the mouse lock refuses to work, ive tried looking up solutions on google and some on developer hub but i just kept getting things saying to use mousebehaviour.mouselock. this bug isnt game breaking since it doesnt really affect the actual game but it makes testing a lot more inconvenient, this problem hadnt happened at all before and worked fine until after my studio app updated. i was hoping there was some sort of way to fix this?
In Studio Testing
In Actual Game
Damn that took me a long time to find but I think I found your problem (tell me if u can’t see the image) Btw what game you making it looks good
Are you using the server test feature? If so, then mouselock is broken there and you need to use regular Play Solo.
I am using the regular solo play test but i appreciate the reply
i was able to see the photo when i went into the topic but i tried enabling devenablemouselock and it didnt change anything, currently i am using a Edited version of the player module where the only real changes are that mouse lock is always enabled true rather than having a button to enable or disable it.
And thank you very much ive had a few years of scripting experience but this is the first full on game i was working on. its inspired by The Last Of Us : Factions in style and feel but with gameplay i was intending on an apocalypse open world looter type game like games like Project Zomboid or Unturned with a focus on a wasteland / scrap theme with crafting, various weapons and different armour pieces to equip as well as some different character customization like hair and haircolor, skin color and face texture.