The mouse in Studio recently has become noticeably more and more unstable. You can see in the following video that the mouse anchor point seems to be offset by a significant amount to the right making selecting objects a massive pain in the neck, especially from a distance.
Several colleagues have noticed this too. I’m running on Windows 10, Studio version 0.305.0.145834. This has been going on for a few weeks now, I don’t have a concrete date for when I first noticed it though. It occurs in any instance of Studio I open.
The same thing is happening in my game, people are having issues trying to click the tiny washer buttons because the clickdetector icon is basically ‘out of position’
I can’t seem to reproduce this issue. Could someone post instructions on how to get studio to behave this way? Just opening a template in studio seems to work just fine for me, both on mac and windows.
Actually I think I have the exact same issue. I’ll lock my thread and link to here.
If it helps, I found that any file made before you had the issue is fine. It started yesterday for me, and all my files before that are working normally.