Mouse Position on gui to Vector3 Position

Right now I am trying to make it where you hover in a frame on a gui is where a part goes inside a part like say you hover over a specific corner it hovers in that corner.

I have created something but its highly inaccurate and it will just not match up
if i change the frames or parts size I want it still to match up completel

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Is this similar to what you’re doing?

Im pretty sure this is right but im not sure how to plug it into the test place

You can convert it by doing this, Mouse.Y, 0)

but then it is not properly within the part that i made to be the range

how could i plug that into the file thing

To map GUI coordinates to the position on the surface of a part, do this:

-- map function for convenience.
-- Similar to lerp but it takes an expanded input range
local function map(num, min_from, max_from, min_to, max_to)
	return min_to+(max_to-min_to)*(num-min_from)/(max_from-min_from)

-- Define these somehow
local part_size = the_part_size -- Vector3
local part_cframe = the_part_cframe -- CFrame
local mouse_pos = mouse_position_on_screen - gui_absolute_position -- Vector2
local gui_size = gui_absolute_size -- Vector2

-- Depending on your GUI and Part setup, the axes may need to be negated,
-- rearranged, or swapped. Currently the Vector3's X axis is negated by
-- swapping positive and negative on the last two inputs.
-- X on the GUI becomes Z on the part and Y on the GUI becomes X on the part.
local relative_pos =
    map(mouse_pos.Y, 0, gui_size.Y, part_size.X/2, -part_size.X/2),
    map(mouse_pos.X, 0, gui_size.X, -part_size.Z/2, part_size.Z/2)
local world_pos = part_cframe:PointToWorldSpace(relative_pos)

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