Mouse ScreenPosition to WorldPosition

So as you know in order to convert the mouse’s coordinates from screenspace to worldspace you must raycast towards the mouse position.

There are a variety of ways roblox allows us to do this, but all of them seem to involve some deprecated system.

Mouse.Hit – Mouse class deprecated
Mouse.UnitRay – Mouse class deprecated, Ray object
ViewportPointToRay along with its brother ScreenPointToRay both involve creating a useless Ray object, which also may be deprecated

After those 3 options though, roblox doesnt give you any up to date way to convert from the mouse’s screenspace coordinates, to a worldspace coordinate. So I ended up having to make my own…

local function RaycastX(rayParams, distance) 
	assert(typeof(rayParams) == "RaycastParams")
	assert(type(distance) == "number")
	local viewportSize = camera.ViewportSize
	local theta = (camera.FieldOfView / 2) * (math.pi / 180) 
	local ar = viewportSize.X / viewportSize.Y
	local l = -camera.NearPlaneZ * math.tan(theta)
	local halfSize = viewportSize / 2 
	local mousepos = UserInputService:GetMouseLocation()
	mousepos = (mousepos - halfSize) / halfSize		
	mousepos = mousepos.X * ar, mousepos.Y  )
	local front = Vector3.FromAxis(Enum.Axis.Z) * camera.NearPlaneZ
	local right = Vector3.FromAxis(Enum.Axis.X) * mousepos.x * l
	local up = Vector3.FromAxis(Enum.Axis.Y) * -mousepos.y * l
	local localized = camera.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(front + right + up)
	local localizedUnit = localized.Unit
	return workspace:Raycast(camera.CFrame.Position, localizedUnit * distance, rayParams)

While this method works, I was just wondering if this is a complete waste of time and I should just use either the Mouse class or use either one of the ViewportPointToRay or ScreenPointToRay, just because I don’t know if my method could be potentially slower than those ways, or just overall more code that takes a more convoluted route in order to do something that can be achieved the methods above much easier.

I don’t know, what are your opinions?


One thing you should know is that Mouse is not deprecated, it has only been superseded by UserInputService. Mouse is still actively supported and maintained.


oh thanks I should have read the form more clearly. Although roblox still strongly recommends to find other alternatives to Mouse. Even moreso Mouse.hit only allows 1 singular object in its filtering list, which might end up biting me in the past if I wish to cast multiple objects to my mouse.