The game view window has a different mouse sensitivity than the rest of the ROBLOX Studio window in Play Solo mode. This is extremely annoying. Oh, and the sensitivity is different between positive and negative X/Y, so if you draw circles with your mouse, the cursor starts heading to the top left of the screen.
I had this too, had to fix by manipulating a corescript.
(that “OverrideCorescripts” thing, very handy for this)
(Commandbar can’t set somesettings.MouseSensitivity)
Can you post exact instructions on fixing this? It’s 6 am and it’s annoying the ever-living fuck out of me.
(just download from github)
(you only need the StarterScript.lua pretty sure)
I put this code at the top:
printidentity("Still using overridden StarterScript with identity")
while wait() do
local scr = game:findFirstChild("RunMePls",true)
if scr then
scr.Name = "RanMeYush"
Opening an empty place should print this in the output:
Still using overridden StarterScript with identity 4
(Commandbar is 5, which is less “powerful” than 4)
(Any context can read MouseSensitivity, but only a few can set it)
Allows me to create a script somewhere and write this code in it:
Then I close the script (else crash sometimes) and rename it to “RunMePls”.
It should be renamed to “RanMePls”, meaning the code has ran and the mouse should be fine.
EDIT: Hmm the images themself from the screenshot tool I use don’t work… derp
Basicly to go your studio settings, enable OverrideCorescripts and set the directory.
What has to be in the directory is basicly StarterScript.lua which you can download from Github.
EDIT: Nvm, was able to extract the imgur link from the image link I first used.
That’s what it was?! So apparently Studio goes dumb when MouseSensitivity isn’t 1.0… Wow. Your solution worked, though I also found an easier way.
Easier solution:
I opened up the GlobalBasicSettings XML file in Sublime Text (C:\Users\Ozzy\AppData\Local\Roblox\GlobalBasicSettings_13.xml
) and CTRL+F’d MouseSensitivity. Edited the value to 1.0 because it was set to 0.7 or something. Saved, reopened Studio and the dumb behavior was gone.
Methinks that the command bar should be able to edit that mouse sensitivity property and the nonzero mouse sensitivity issues should be rectified.
I tried editing the .xml too, but for me it didn’t work for some reason…
(although I edited any .xml where MouseSensitivity existed)
EDIT: Having that custom starterscript is still useful.
The :SetTimeout(5) is very nice, stops most infinite loops from ruining your work.
RunMePls is just something I added for some reason, forgot why exactly.
Handy to test security stuff between different contexts, though.
(commandline VS plugin VS corescripts VS normal scripts)